At the whim.

We swing from feeling intensely connected to our purpose because we know deep down that it’s something special, to feeling we’ve served our purpose when what we’ve created is deemed worthy by another.

The people around us often get to decide whether what we create is worthy (of the love it deserves). And so the idea of sharing a piece of ourselves can feel out of reach, even when it’s the thing we want most.

That’s because we are *at the whim.* We tend to be at the whim of the feelings, thoughts, ideas and dreams that belong not only to ourselves but to others, too.

I am always at the whim of something -- some feeling, some sub-emotion. And because I take my work far too seriously, I feel every little thing.

I am the definition of what it means to be *at the whim of.*

My darlingest friend Coached By Hayley was actually the one who taught me how to live in and love being at the whim.

Tomorrow I’ll be sharing my interview with her, where we talk LOVE.


“Nothing has really happened until it is described.”


For all of us.